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Can Knock Make Building Your New App Easier?

by Lucas Finis
Can Knock Make Building Your New App Easier?

As a mobile app developer or startup founder, your goals are simple – build high-quality apps that delight users while doing so efficiently to save both time and money. However, the development process can often be slowed down by less exciting yet crucial tasks like setting up notification systems. This is where Knock hopes to make a difference. 

Knock is a notification workflow platform that aims to take the pain out of building powerful yet complex notification features. By leveraging pre-built tools and integrations, they promise to streamline the development cycle and get your apps to market faster. But does it truly deliver on this promise? Let’s take a deeper look at what Knock is and how it could help streamline your next mobile app project.

What is Knock?

Founded in 2021, Knock was created by engineers Sam Seely and Chris Bell who recognized the inefficiencies in how mobile developers were building user notifications. All too often, valuable time was spent reinventing the wheel by manually constructing notification delivery frameworks from scratch. 

Knock sets out to change this by providing a centralized platform for defining, triggering, and analyzing notification workflows. At its core is a simple yet powerful workflow engine that developers can use to visually map out what notifications get sent when they fire, and what data they contain. This engine supports common triggers from external services as well as manual activation.


Beyond just delivery, Knock also integrates first-party analytics for gleaning insights into notification performance and user behavior. Developers get real-time visibility into open and click-through rates directly within the platform. Combined with its API-first design, Knock aims to take the complexity out of building integrated yet high-performing notification systems.

Streamlining the Development Process

So how exactly can leveraging Knock help streamline your development process? Here are a few of the major ways:

Faster Prototyping – By letting you visually mock-up notification workflows without writing any code, Knock allows testing drive and experimentation earlier in the design phase. This speeds up iterations as new ideas can be validated more quickly.

Accelerated Delivery – Once workflows are defined, Knock’s pre-built integrations mean notifications can go from concept to live in users’ hands much faster than custom coding each step. This trims weeks or more off project schedules depending on complexity. 

Reduced Technical Debt – Since Knock handles the “plumbing” of delivery, storage, and analytics behind the scenes, your codebase stays cleaner and more modular. This eases the long-term maintenance and evolution of the app over time.

Front-End Focus – Engineers no longer have to context switch between UI/UX work and backend notification infrastructure. They can stay hyper-focused on building optimized user experiences.

Cost Savings – Stand-up and hosting costs for notification servers, databases, and analytics dashboards are completely avoided thanks to Knock’s fully managed cloud platform.

With these types of efficiencies, even a relatively simple mobile app concept could see its time-to-market window reduced by 30-50% versus rolling notification capabilities internally from the ground up. For resource-constrained startups, their value proposition becomes incredibly compelling.

How Can You Customize Workflows to Fit Your Needs?

While Knock handles all the grunt work under the hood, what empowers developers is the flexibility provided through its visual workflow engine. Integrations are just the starting point – triggers and payload contents can be customized endlessly to suit diverse use cases. 

For example, a social media app might want to send a “your friend X liked your post” notification whenever a Like event fires in their backend API. Or an e-commerce store could configure automated order confirmation emails complete with dynamic product/customer details. 

The possibilities are limitless since Knock exposes a vast selection of pre-built logic gates, conditions, and branching. Things like user segmentation, recurring frequencies, variable substitution, and parallel flows make highly tailored notifications possible without any code changes.

Best of all, these blueprint workflows can be versioned, shared, or exported/imported between environments as apps mature, facilitating continuous delivery. No longer does establishing notifications require repeated custom integrations – they become first-class reusable components.

Augmenting Apps with Powerful Notifications

By removing the drudgery of notification plumbing, mobile developers are free to focus uniquely on augmenting the user experience. Some ways apps may be enhanced include:

Personalized Onboarding – Tailored messaging based on user attributes can optimize new user retention.

Timely Reminders – Recurring and condition-based prompts keep features top-of-mind to drive continued interaction. 

Proactive Support – Automated error responses and help workflows improve support efficiency and user satisfaction.

Consistent Branding – Cross-channel templates maintain on-brand stylistic cohesion and recognition value.

Actionable Insights – Analytics fuel hypothesis testing to iterate notification design toward maximum engagement.

These kinds of engagement-first notifications fundamentally improve app quality and stickiness when crafted through an agile platform like Knock. Rather than an afterthought, deliverability becomes a first-class development tool.


Whether building a stand-alone mobile app or powering in-app experiences, Knock promises to streamline development through its intuitive workflow tools and pre-integrated capabilities. By enabling deeper focus on the front end while automating backend “plumbing”, it helps establish a performant foundation for user-centric notifications. 

For fast-moving startups and teams on tight deadlines, leveraging Knock translates directly to accelerated delivery and reduced costs. With its flexible building blocks and wide-reaching integrations, Knock is certainly worth considering for any project demanding delightful user experiences.

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